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I got fired recently from my job. I had permission from my supervisor to take scrap metal and make some extra cash before christmass by taking it to the scrapyard. In january i got called in by the owner of the company who said i stole from him and he is firing me. I tried to explain to him that i did nothing wrong as i had permission to do so from my supervisor but he wouldnt listen. Now im trying to apply for ei and am worried that i will not get it since i was fired for cause. what should i do

It sounds like you have been wrongfully dismissed and it is very likely that your employer owes you severance pay with respect to your termination. If your employer notes that you were dismissed for cause on your Record of Employment, you may face difficulty in being able to apply for and collect EI benefits. I highly recommend that you contact our office to schedule a consult with one of our employment lawyers to we can review your matter further and assess your termination entitlements.
Lior Samfiru
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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