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Ask your question about terminations, dismissals and lay offs and an employment lawyer in Ontario, BC or Alberta will answer in minutes

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I was terminated today for being late for work. I have another job as a sales rep and I had a meeting run long. I had a discussion with my manager prior to today about this. He said make sure I call ahead and tell someone I will be late. I sent and email and called to let them know I was going to be late for work. The last time I called I was headed into work. I was 30 minutes late. The manager terminated my employment at that time. I have one verbal warning for a different matter a month ago. I have worked at the restaurant in question for 3 years. How should I continue?

You should call our firm to discuss this matter in more detail as soon as possible. The company likely does not have just cause to terminate your employment, in which case you would be entitled to termination pay.
Lior Samfiru
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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