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I work in one of the biggest company in the world, I was put in Performance Improvement Program and I was harassed by my Manager for 10 months and every time we have a weekly meeting I always harassed by the HR manager by telling me to quit if I cannot finished the PIP and also my manager. I am a lowly production assembler for 21 years and until now still harassing me. I am not happy anymore and I would like to file a case against them. I already went to severance calculator and it will not help me if I quit and did not offer a package for me. Is it possible to file a case against them?

My name is David Vaughan and I am an employment lawyer with Samfiru Tumarkin. You are correct that if you resign, you will not receive severance pay. However, in certain circumstances, harassment can amount to a constructive dismissal, which would entitle an employee to severance pay. Please contact our firm to discuss the matter in more detail and determine how we can assist you.
Lior Samfiru
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