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I work as a live in Building Superintendent for almost 16 years. Now, the Property manager asked me to sign a new Employment Contract and she is claiming that the Corporation require up-to-date accurate documentations. Also all previous employment documents prior to this date are replaced by this new Employment Contract.
Also she calls my position " On-site Building Maintenance " this represents a position name changed from " Building Superintendent".
My question is why was necessary to change the position title and if this change will impact the future of my salary.
Somebody suggested that with the new act the change of name position might be necessary. My duties didn't change much . Thank you

Thank you for your question. You should not sign the new Employment Contract or any other document presented to you by the employer until you have received legal advice. I am concerned in the event the employer does not recognize your seniority or tries to limit your termination entitlements, or otherwise reduce your rights.

I encourage you to call us at the number below to schedule an appointment with one of our lawyers for early next week, assuming your matter is time sensitive.
Lior Samfiru
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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