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I've being working for a company for 15 years and have always received a yearly merit increase. In April of this year I received a letter from my HR Department stating that I've reached the maximum salary range for my position, as a result
my salary will be frozen, until the salary range is increased. My questions is do I still continue to do the annual performance review. As per the company policy the merit process rewards individuals for achievement of their goals which aligned with the business strategy. I've always attain these goals and given a merit increase. Going forward whether I attain these goals, I will not get an increase as outlined in the letter. I do want to be petty, but I believe I'm reaching this letter (for the first time ever)because I had some issues with my supervisor, and spoke with HR about it. No-one in my department received this letter. There is no other position for me to apply for. I have 15 years more to work before retirement.

Thank you for writing to us. Yes, we would recommend proceeding with the annual performance review. While the Company is not obliged to provide you with an increase, if they begin to change any of the terms of your employment (i.e. position, compensation, responsibilities, etc.) this would amount to a constructive dismissal and you would be entitled to severance. To get a sense what severance would amount to, I would encourage you to visit the severance pay calculator our firm has developed ( At any time if the Company begins to change the terms of your employment, you should call us right away and seek legal advice.
Lior Samfiru
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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