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can you fire someone for triangulation and causing drama and divide at work. Someone who targets and bullies people and brings personal information about coworkers to work

Thank you for your question. My name is Jon Pinkus and I am an employment lawyer with Samfiru Tumarkin LLP.

If someone is deliberately creating a poisoned work environment, you will likely have cause for discipline, but you may not have just cause for dismissal (although in some circumstances, you might). I would have to know more details to be able to tell you for sure.

That being said, you can always terminate an employee on a without cause basis, which is often the most cost effective and straightforward way to remove a problematic employee.

If you would like more information about how to remove this employee from the workplace at minimal cost and headache, please contact me at and I can help walk you through what to do.
Lior Samfiru
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